Ira Kharlamova Natasa Zupan An Malv Burcak Konukman Beyond the civilized body 9 hours performance Alte Schmelze Frankfurt am Main 2021 Photographer Juergen Fritz 1 300x200

21. September 2021

Beyond the civilized body – Photographer Jürgen Fritz

9 -hours performance, Frankfurt am Main, 2021 Artists: Ira Kharlamova, Ukraine; Florence Lam, Hong Kong; Stefan Mießeler, Germany; Petra Strahovnik, Holland; Van-Lam Trinh, Germany; Nataša Zupan, Slowenia; Burçak Konukman, Turkey;
21. September 2021

Beyond the civilized body – Photographer Jürgen Fritz

9 -hours performance, Frankfurt am Main, 2021 Artists: Ira Kharlamova, Ukraine; Florence Lam, Hong Kong; Stefan Mießeler, Germany; Petra Strahovnik, Holland; Van-Lam Trinh, Germany; Nataša Zupan, Slowenia; Burçak Konukman, Turkey;
21. September 2021

Beyond the civilized body – Photographer Jürgen Fritz

9 -hours performance, Frankfurt am Main, 2021 Artists: Ira Kharlamova, Ukraine; Florence Lam, Hong Kong; Stefan Mießeler, Germany; Petra Strahovnik, Holland; Van-Lam Trinh, Germany; Nataša Zupan, Slowenia; Burçak Konukman, Turkey;
21. September 2021

Beyond the civilized body – Photographer Jürgen Fritz

9 -hours performance, Frankfurt am Main, 2021 Artists: Ira Kharlamova, Ukraine; Florence Lam, Hong Kong; Stefan Mießeler, Germany; Petra Strahovnik, Holland; Van-Lam Trinh, Germany; Nataša Zupan, Slowenia; Burçak Konukman, Turkey;
21. September 2021

Beyond the civilized body – Photographer Jürgen Fritz

9 -hours performance, Frankfurt am Main, 2021 Artists: Ira Kharlamova, Ukraine; Florence Lam, Hong Kong; Stefan Mießeler, Germany; Petra Strahovnik, Holland; Van-Lam Trinh, Germany; Nataša Zupan, Slowenia; Burçak Konukman, Turkey;