Klara Schilliger ( * 1953) and Valerian Maly ( * 1959 ) work and live together since 1984. Their artistic field is performance art and installation. They use the term of Install Action for works, where the public is directly involved. Intermedia installations and performances are often site specific works.
Klara Schilligerand Valerian Maly move as a matter of course between the different genres of arts, but without any pretended multimedia allures.
They have taken part in many international exhibitions and Performance Art Festivals, such as „Zeichen und Wunder ”, Kunsthaus Zürich and Centro de Arte Contamporanea, Santiago de Compostela 1995; “Time wise“, The Swiss Institute, New York 1996; or „Performance Art in NRW“ Essen / Germany 2000; “ Asia Topia – Performance Festival“ in Bangkok and Chiang Mai in 2004; Performance Intermedia Festival, OFFicina, Szczecin 2006.
Valerian Maly and Klara Schilliger received a scholarship Werkjahr Kanton und Stadt Luzern 1995. Their artpieces can be found e.g. in the collection of the Kunstmuseum Luzern. In 2008 Klara Schilliger and Valerian Maly received the „Kunstpreis der Stadt Bern“, the Art Award of Bern / Switzerland.
( Harold Rosenberg, The Tradition of the New, 1960 )